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Home > Guitar Effects Pedals > Carl Martin Compressor
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Carl Martin Compressor

Carl Martin Compressor
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    Quantity in Cart: None
    Code: Carl-Martin-Compressor-Pedal
    Price: $269.50
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    Carl Martin Compressor Pedal

    The Carl Martin Compressor Limiter has been specially developed to incorporate the same features and sonic clarity found in high quality professional studio compressors. To achieve this we incorporated a variable threshold, -variable compression ratio, -variable attack and release controls and of course, a gain level. General Guidelines on the use of the Compressor Limiter:

    Threshold: Working anti clockwise, determines how much of the signal will be compressed. This is also dependent on how much signal is fed from the instrument.

    Comp: Working clockwise, determines how much compression is applied to the signal allowed by the threshold setting.

    Resp: Working clockwise, determines the attack/release times, going from slow to fast. In general, if you want to hear the compressor working with a crisp attack you should use slow times. If you require just a silent limiting you should use fast times.

    Gain: Working clockwise, sets the overall gain.

    Busy: Indicates the amount of compression being applied, even in bypass mode. The brighter it gets, the more compression is being applied. The Carl Martin Compressor Pedal works great for guitar or bass or wherever a high quality compression effect is required.

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